Felony Possession of Cannabis with Intent to Deliver – NOT GUILTY

Chicago Police Department got a warrant and smashed down the door of my clients apartment. Inside the apartment they found cannabis plants, packaging, and inside my clients room they found a large amount of cannabis in plastic bags. In my clients closet in his bedroom they found a shotgun with over 250 founds of ammunition. My client did not possess a valid FOID card. The charges carried 1-3 years in the state penitentiary The State of Illinois was not willing to negotiate with my office so we went to trial. After a bench trial, the unlawful possession of a weapon and ammunition without a FOID card was dismissed. The judge found my client not guilty of the charge of felony possession of cannabis with the intent to deliver. Instead she only found him guilty of a lesser charge of possession only! Again and again, we fight for our clients. And another victory for our team!