My client was accused of stabbing an individual numerous times in the chest, torso and neck with a screw driver. The victim indicated that he was a wedding party with my client. My client then attacked this individual by punching him in the back of the head until he fell to the ground. On the ground, my client started stabbing him with a screw driver. The victim became unconscious and was rushed to the hospital. He spent a week in the hospital with a multitude of stitches throughout his body. My client told me that he did not do it. We went to trial. At trial, the prosecution presented three (3) witnesses testifying that my client attacked the victim and stabbed him as the victim indicated. During my cross-examination, each witness got caught in lies. I even made one witness admit that she was lying to me! The judge heard enough and granted my motion for directed verdict. I did not even have to present any of my witnesses before the judge threw out the case!