The Chicago Police Department responded to a call of a Sexual Abuse that occurred at the Wright College Campus in Chicago. The female victim alleged that my client, her professor at Wright College, called her into his campus office. The victim alleged that when she arrived in his office, my client grabbed her knee and placed his hand under her shirt and down the back of her pants. The victim tried to run but my client allegedly grabbed her and told her that if she tells anyone about the incident that he will find her and rape her. Because of my client’s position as a Wright College Professor, we had no choice but to go to trial. My client’s career would have been ruined if he plead guilty or was found guilty of such a charge. At trial, we aggressively cross-examined the victim. We showed that she changed her story numerous times from what she told the police to what she testified in court. We got her to change her version of events multiple times. By the time we finished our cross-examination, she looked like a complete liar! At the end of the arguments, the judge did not believe her “different” stories that she told. The judge found my client NOT GUILTY of all charges. Our office saved the defendant’s career by aggressively fighting the charges against him that we knew were not true.