My client was stopped my the Evanston Police Department for going around another motorist and going through a red light. My client pulled into a parking lot and the officer believed he got out to urinate. The officer indicated that he had slurred speech, glassy eyes, strong odor of alcohol and failed all of the field sobriety tests. My client then blew into a portable breath test on the scene which revealed a .159% breath alcohol reading. The officer arrested my client and brought him back to the police station. He then blew into a breathalyzer machine which revealed a result of .145%. My client needed his driving privileges and could not afford to lose it for six (6) months. I filed paperwork and had a hearing. During cross-examination of the officer, I made him admit that his testimony he gave was completely different than his written reports he made. He could not explain the discrepancy. The judge did not find the officer believable and removed my clients license suspension.